Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Works-For-Me Wednesday: Displaying Kids' Art

Kids always have their favorite artistic creations that they want on display. Is your refrigerator covered with paper? Not mine...OK...well, not as much as it used to be. I saw a great idea a few years ago for a way to display art that was easy to switch out. Just in the last couple of years, I finally did it!

The art is now proudly displayed in my son's room and we frequently change the display. Here is what it looks like:

You get open frames and hang them on the wall, letting the wall color show through. The original idea I saw used double-stick tape or push pins to stick the art in the middle of the frame. I didn't want to make a mess of my walls, so I bought colored binder clips and hubby screwed them into the frame ( I was going to glue it).

Now we can change the art anytime and it looks attractive! Most recently, this frame displayed a tracing of a jet, and before that a detailed drawing of a Lego Mars Mission scene (if you only have girls, you have no idea what I'm talking about). :)

Displaying my son's art this way works for me. Stop by Rocks In My Dryer for more great Works-for-me-Wednesday tips.


  1. What a neat idea! He must be proud of his artwork.

  2. Very cute!

    Have you ever tried velcro dots? I don't think they would hurt the wall, and you could center the picture.

    Got this idea from teaching preschool.

    Clip those coupons!

  3. I have seen ideas using a picture frame for kids' art, but not an open picture frame which makes it easier to rotate the artwork. This is a great idea - I'll have to file it away for using when my daughter is older. Thanks for the tip!

  4. What an awesome idea - I love it! I frame my two and half year olds artwork around my house, but I really like the open frame so I can switch art out easily - thanks for this!

  5. we've been looking for a way to display our kids' artwork in a way that is easily changeable--thanks for the tip. i can't wait to try it! i enjoyed looking at your blog when i arrived her via wfmw.


    p.s. sorry if this is a duplicate comment, something weird happened the first time i tried to post it.


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