Monday, September 15, 2008

Stuff...'Cause Miscellaneous Sounded Too Formal

First, our prayers go out to all those affected by the hurricanes.

And now, it's Monday! Welcome to a new week! I don't normally feel very cheerful about Mondays, but this week I have the potential to accomplish a lot (Umm, I have that potential EVERY week, but it doesn't always work out, so this week can be a fresh start - LOL!).

What a great "Would You Like Chocolate With That?" we had on Friday! Thanks to everybody that linked up! I am trying to work on a graphic for it and add the announcement here and there, because I seem to have run into one or two ladies that like chocolate. :)

Here's your chocolate reminder, nice and early: Find or create a chocolate-themed post for this Friday. Please keep it family-friendly. It can be a recipe, a poem, a chocolate review, a taste test (this could be your excuse to go buy that new candy to try - you HAD to for the Friday chocolate meme), pictures, video, thoughts on chocolate, etc. - be as creative as you want! You can write something new or pull something from your archives. Though not required, I would appreciate it if you included a link to my "Would You Like Chocolate With That?" post. See you Friday with your chocolate!

Another reminder: A new theme week is coming next week, beginning Monday 9/22. In honor of Fall's official beginning, it's all about pumpkin. Pumpkin Week will have yummy recipes, pictures, pumpkin facts, opportunities to link up, and giveaways!! I am having a terrible time coming up with a name for my theme week and need one NOW so I can add the announcement in a couple of places. Can you help? Here are some I have thought of: Pumpkin Party Week, Pumpkin Pleasers Week, Pleasantly Pumpkin Week, Pumpkins On Parade Week, Pumpkinly Pleasant Week. Do you like one or do you have a suggestion? I appreciate your help!!

Hmmm...I guess that's all the stuff I have today.

See you tomorrow for Tea for Two-sday! (Did you know that I always post about tea on Tuesdays?)


  1. Well I hope your week goes as planned. My good intentions usually fizzle out about the time the kids get up lol. Just kidding! I like Pumpkin Party Week! Or Pleasantly plenty of perfect pumkins. LOL.
    Blessings to you my friend.

  2. I cannot wait for the pumpkin theme - YAY!!! Oh, all I want right now is some pumpkin pie...craving...drooling...


  3. Sounds like a fun theme week planned! I can't wait! I like Pumpkins on Parade or Pleasantly Pumpkin Week... But, all are cute names! Wishing you lots of luck on your projects this week. I think I have already pooped out before I began and it's only Monday! LOL! ~Rhonda :)

  4. I love your pumpkin week idea. Now you've got me wondering if you have a recipe that combines pumpkin with chocolate. Oh, I'll bet you do!

  5. Lisa,

    I am doing better this week. You are so sweet to ask. The freezer was only in a coma and came out of it the next day, PTL.

    With so many of us living so close, maybe I will have to have a Fall gathering at my house. Hmmm, that sounds like a great idea. Is there more by us, besides me you and Genny?



I would love to hear your comments! Thank you for stopping and smelling the chocolates with me!! Currently disabled anonymous comments due to spam attempts - thanks for understanding!

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