Monday, October 6, 2008

Maybe This Will Be A Calm Week

Right now, I am listening to the sound of...quiet. OK, actually I can hear the refrigerator humming, a car driving by, and the dog making sounds in his sleep, but you know what I mean! The sun is shining and I am home alone right now with no obligations until it's time to pick my son up from school - I think it's shaping up to be a beautiful Monday (I said beautiful and Monday in the same sentence??)!

The last 3 weeks have been very busy - I was filling in for the 4th grade teacher who had been injured (she's OK), baking and posting for Pumpkin Potpourri Week, and preparing for my Dad's visit. Dad was here during the week and flew back home yesterday. It was a nice visit and we hope that he will come again in December.

This week is "normal" as of right now. There are the usual things - school, volunteering, baseball, errands, etc. - but nothing extra. I feel like it's my chance to get "caught up" in my home. Of course, in order to do that, I need to get off the computer now!

How is your week looking right now? I pray that you have at least 1 calm day this week. I am off to start the rest of my day with some time with the Lord. How about you?


  1. Unfortunately my quiet time has to come at 5:00am or I don't get any lol. I hope you made progress with you house and had a second cup of coffee!
    Blessings to you my friend.

  2. Oh dear Lisa, please pray for me. I am in such a rut. I am so darn tired all the time and I'm going a little crazy with two toddlers. I'm bored and a little depressed. I can see why moms go back to work (and for me, I wouldn't dream of it), but I just need your prayers. Thanks! (Your blog always cheers me up!)

  3. I look forward to quiet time again! If I can just make it through this month! After the weekend, I did feel a little rejuventated (sp?). I have the cutest thing to post for Friday's Chocolate post! ...can't wait!

    So glad you had a good visit with your dad! ...and what a great way to start off the day, with Jesus! Doesn't get any better than that! :) ~Rhonda

  4. My week has been crazy already!! Monday is cleaning day so, I spent the morning doing that. Then, I won my Iron Cupcake: Milwaukee competition and stayed up waaaaay to late celebrating that. Now, I am sleep deprived with a sick child, cancelled soccer and meatloaf in the oven. Calgon, take me away:-)

  5. I would love some "calm" in my life. School is about to do me in, I am getting burned out, I am tired, and I don't see much rest in the future any time soon...then the holidays will be here! I don't like it when my life gets this busy, I must slow it down. I will never take this many classes and try to get so much done at one time. I know it is not like it used to be when I was in real college, but this getting my certificate and then taking an additional class and driving so much so far, it is just more than I wish I would have done. And I don't think I am getting any better at my photography work. That is the discouraging part.


I would love to hear your comments! Thank you for stopping and smelling the chocolates with me!! Currently disabled anonymous comments due to spam attempts - thanks for understanding!

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