If you want a chance to win a couple of handmade doilies, be sure to enter my giveaway!
I am really so blessed and humbled to receive so many awards for my blog. Each and every one means a lot to me and I still am so delighted that people enjoy my blog. If you find a smile or a chuckle (or drool over some chocolate) while you're here, then I am happy!
My friend Kim from Homesteader's Heart gave me this fabulous award:
Uber is a German word that is similar to our English word which means "super".
An Uber Amazing Blog Award is a blog award given to sites who:
1. inspires you
2. make you smile and laugh
3. or maybe gives amazing information
4. a great read
5. has an amazing design
6. and any other reasons you can think of that makes them uber amazing!
The rules of this award are:
1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
2. Nominate at least 5 blogs (can be more) that for you are Uber Amazing!
3. Let them know that they have received this Uber Amazing award by commenting on their blog.
4. Share the love and link to this post and to the person you received your award from.
Here are 5 blogs that I think are Uber Amazing (of course, all the blogs I read are!):
1. Warm Pie, Happy Home
2. The Inspired Room
3. A Soft Place To Land
4. Tea In My Cup
5. Keeping The Kingdom First
Do go visit them, they are all fabulous!
My friend Sarah Mae from Like A Warm Cup of Coffee gave me this award since I joined the 5 AM Gals (you can learn more about that here):
The Marie Antoinette Award
A Real Person Award
A Real Person Award
The rules for this award are to display the icon, and pass it along to seven (7) other bloggers that you feel are real in who they are.
Here are my picks for 7 "Real" blogs:
1. Blessed
2. Real Life
3. We Are THAT Family
4. A Box of Chocolates
5. The Grocery Cart Challenge
6. Musings of a Housewife
7. My New Thing To Do
Be sure to go check out all those "Real" ladies!
And finally, I was tagged by Joanne at Blessed! Here are the rules:
1) Link to the person who tagged you.
2) Post the rules on your blog (copy and paste 1-6).
3) Write 6 random things about yourself (see below).
4) Tag 6 people at the end of your post and link to them.
5) Let each person know they have been tagged and leave
a comment on their blog.
6) Let the tagger know when your
entry is up.
Hmmm...I've done a couple of these memes before and I've already given you 100 things about me on my sidebar, but I suppose I could come up with 6 more!
1. I'm always running late - I have no good excuse, no small children who need diaper changes, no car troubles, etc. I know it's a terrible habit and am trying to change it (only the Lord can help me, I've concluded). I do ask my friends and family's forgiveness for the many times I have been late. I also suggest that you secretly tell me to be somewhere 15 minutes earlier. If I show up too early, it's OK with me - I owe all of you many minutes!
2. My favorite breakfast cereals are the ones my Mom wouldn't buy me - that's right, she tried to be good to us, but it only made me crave Lucky Charms and Cocoa Pebbles as an adult! Oh yum, those are sounding really good right now. Don't worry - there aren't any here - right now.
3. I was in drama in high school - I loved drama class and being in plays. I was in at least 4 plays that I can think of and competed once in mime. The mime thing embarrasses my hubby like you can't believe! (Picture me miming that I'm in a box right now, then picture my hubby covering his eyes and shaking his head - LOL!) My drama teacher told me that I had "stage presence" and I'll never forget it!
4. I do not have call waiting - I disabled it on my phone. Sorry - I just don't like it. If I'm talking to someone, I don't want to be interrupted. Leave me a message and it will give me a little beep so I'll know that somebody tried to get ahold of me. Yes, I know emergencies can come up, but what did we all do before cell phones or call waiting? If I am worried about getting a call, I just stay off the phone.
5. I like fancy coffee drinks - from Starbucks or any other coffee place. I try to come up with reasons to justify why I "need" to get one: I worked really hard today; I didn't get much sleep; I haven't had one yet this week; It's vacation; It's my birthday month; I have a gift card; It's Monday, etc. I actually have cut back on those drinks - only once or twice a week now and yes, most of the time I get nonfat sugar-free and NO whipped cream 'cause I don't need all the calories.
6. I don't like to bake - Gasp! How can that be with all the yummy desserts on this blog? Oh, I love desserts and I bake quite a bit and send the desserts to friends and others. I have just recently figured out that I don't actually enjoy the baking process (measuring, mixing, cleaning up after) - it's the end result that I like! So I will work through the tough part to get that lovely dessert. I know, I'm weird.
Yay - I came up with 6 things! Now I have to tag 6 people to do the same:
1. Like a Warm Cup of Coffee
2. Homesteader's Heart
3. Blessed Beyond Imagination
4. Scooterblu's Whimsy
5. Susie's Homemade
6. Confessions of a Snowflake
I know some of you have done this already, but surely you can come up with more random things - LOL!! And if I didn't tag you, but you want to join in, please do and let me know so I can be fascinated by your randomness!
Have a wonderful Thursday! Don't forget your chocolate post for Friday - info here or look at last week.

Well Imagine my surprise seeing my name for a tag lol. Maybe I should haven't read your blog today lol. Just kidding. I'll actually go do that now.
ReplyDeleteFrankly I think you and I should show up late to Starbucks grab our non fat sugar free coffee, go back to your house, work through the drudgery of baking while talking on the phone and then put on a play!
Sound good?
Hugs my friend.
You are so sweet to pass the award on to me. It means a lot that you visit my blog and leave such nice comments.
ReplyDeleteI had to giggle at your eating kids' cereal because I too have a secret weakness for the stuff. My cereal of choice is Trix, Silly Wabbit.
Congratulations on your awards and thanks for the tag. I am getting so behind on those. I will have to answer it soon:-)
ReplyDeleteThat is too funny! Yes, I think I can come up with some more random things.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the awards! You deserve them! You have a great blog and are always so encouraging!
Have a great day, my friend!
I agree on the Uber Amazing Award. Congratulations. I now get it, you are (were) a drama queen!! LOL.
ReplyDeleteI am so honored! I can't think of anything I'd rather been known for than being real. You made my day.
ReplyDeleteI had a nasty commenter last night that kind of sent me for a loop and this made the ouchie all better.
Oh honey!! Thank you sooooo much for my award! You are such a sweetie-pie! thanks too for the kind comment you left for me! You blessed my heart! I hope you have a warm and Happy Thanksgiving!!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for the bloggy award. I love it!! It's funny because I would totally have given you the same award had I received it first. I always enjoy how you keep it real rather than being all fluff. Have a great weekend!
ReplyDeleteAwww....thanks! You are too sweet! Maybe I keep it too real sometimes :D
ReplyDeleteHey, thanks!!
ReplyDeleteThank you so very much. I am behind on picking up my award...please forgive me. I will get it posted and shared soon, I promise.
ReplyDeleteIt is so nice to be thought of by others out there, and you are so sweet. No pun intended!