Monday, April 13, 2009

I'm Not Embarrassed To Say That I'm 39 Today

It's the last day of the big Blogaversary Party (still time to enter giveaways)! I included today so that it would be like I was having a birthday party at the same time - Woo Hoo!

She's HOW old?? *Gasp* Yup, I'm 39. And not ashamed to say it! But when people ask me how old I am, I will be saying "almost 40" because it's true - I'm on the downhill slope to 40 now. Really, it's just a few hundred blog posts away. :)

Also, I figure that nobody will believe me when I say 39. No, not because of my youthful beauty - snicker - but because people who are 40+ often don't like to admit their age, so the next logical fake age to use is 39. So when I say 39, they'll nod knowingly and say,"Yeah, me too sister!" And then I'll say,"No, I'm really 39!" and they'll say, "uh huh.sure."

There are some things to look forward to when turning 40. I had some friends recently decide that after turning 40, instead of celebrating a "birthday week" (like we currently do), it becomes a "birthday month"! So why wouldn't I look forward to THAT? And when I turn 40, I can do a post that I have in mind - 40 things I like about turning 40. 39 things I like about turning 39 just doesn't have the same ring to it. Oh, and I'll be considered mature.

Reminder - I am only 39 and thus I do not have the memory problems of a 40 year-old. I might forget all about this post when I turn 40 next year.

How old are YOU??!


  1. No way! You look fantastic. Happy birthday! I will be turning the big 3-0 in June.

  2. I am running right behind you my friend. I'll be 39 in July. No Really! LOL. *sigh*
    I'll do the same thing you're going to do when you turn 40 but just do me a favor and remind me of this post so I remember what it is I was going to do! LOL.
    Big Down Hill size hugs to you my friend.

  3. Happy Birthday Lisa...
    oh girls I have you all beat I
    will be hitting the BIG 50 this
    August...but in my mind I don't feel like I am about to turn 50 so I guess
    that is good...
    Hope you have a wonderful day...
    Chocolate Blessings...

  4. A very, very, happy, happy birthday to you!! :-)

  5. Happy Birthday Chick!! And 39 is great. I'm 45! Yikes, whenever I write that number I gasp just a bit. Then I realize I LOVE being 45!
    I finally feel comfortable in my own skin. That feeling of being at peace with who I am and who God has called me to be. I'm still a work in progress but I love where the Lord is taking me.

  6. Ah, um, I think I am 42. But MY MEMORY has failed me. Just a sec while I go check my drivers license. Oh, shoot, where do I keep that thing?

    Happy Birthday! You spring chickie!

  7. I am going to be 39 in May:-) We are fabulous at almost 40!!

  8. You certainly do not look almost 40.

    I turned the big 4-0 last year and no body believe me when I tell them. And *gasp* I will turn, the year after 40 on Wednesday.

    Stopped by via Twitter. Couldn't resist the chocolate! :-)

  9. In all truthfulness, I would NEVER have guessed 39! You are lookin' good!

    I turned 29 in Feb. You still want to be my friend, right? :)

  10. I am looking forward to turning 31 in May! I have already hit the big 3-0, and will now be moving closer to 40!

    Hope you had a Happy Birthday (week!).

  11. Happy birthday, lots of chocolate, big hugs and kisses.

    I turned 33 three weeks ago and I feel perfect with it.

    Have a great day.

  12. Happy Birthday!! Sorry I missed the party, I love chocolate...and parties!!
    I'll be 42 this June...did you hear that clap of thunder as I typed???

    Love you blog!

  13. 34 last month. I was worried there for a sec that I was going to be the young one on here leaving a comment, but I saw some younger.
    Happy Birthday!

  14. 39? No way! I would have thought you were much younger than that! I turn 35 this year and still can't believe it. How did I get to be mid 30s. Time is marching on way too fast my friend!

  15. Lisa, I'm 36! Notice how were following close behind you?
    You look great. Now, let's encourage each other on the fitness thing and see what happens.

    Getting healthier is always good, no matter how old we are.



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