First, let me say that I don't mean to leave out my friends who are not bloggers - I'll even give you a couple of links to go look at:
~ Year of ice cream giveaway at We Are THAT Family! Isn't that nice of me to lessen my odds for you?
~ Change of diet to traditional foods at Musings of a Housewife. If you've been thinking about switching what your family eats, go check out how she's starting the journey.
~ DIY greatness at A Soft Place To Land. I'm sure you'll find all sorts of ideas from what people link up!
And there are more parties for bloggers not attending Blogher! Go check out the BlogNerd Bash at Garibay Soup and the Blog Hop '09 at Pensieve! Both have fun and giveaways! You can follow what's happening with them on twitter at @anjyldream (for #Blognerd) and @Bloghop (#bloghop09).
OK, on to the #pityparty09! It's just a chance for us non-attenders of the Blogher conference to have fun and chat on twitter! (If you don't completely understand twitter, click here for an excellent lesson on it.) The first session is tonight (Thursday) from 8-9 pm, central time. All you have to do to join in is use the hashtag #pityparty09 in your tweet and watch all the other tweets with that hashtag. Be sure that you are following me (@stop4chocolate) and my co-host Donna (@WayMoreHomemade) on twitter!
The second #pityparty09 session will be this Saturday from 12-1 pm, central time. Hope you can join us!! We do have 2 prizes and will give 1 away to a random tweeter with the hashtag during each session. Thank you to Christine (@themenumom) for donating a great prize! She's giving a subscription to - so cool, go check it out! And we also have a $10 Starbucks card to giveaway - who can't find a use for that?!
Are you joining us for #pityparty09? Please leave your name and twitter handle to let us know! I'm trying to put a Mr. Linky, but don't know if it will work. If not, leave the info in the comments and I'll add the links to the post throughout the day.
Let's party!!
We're going to be at #pityparty09:
1. Lisa @ Stop and Smell the Chocolates (@stop4chocolate)
2. Donna @ Way More Homemade (@WayMoreHomemade)
3. Michelle V. (@m_vasquez)
4. Punkinmama @ More On The Other Side (@punkinmama)
5. Amanda @ Garibay Soup (@anjyldream)
6. Heather @ Not a DIY Life (@notdiyheather)
7. Stefany (@stefany_t)
8. Jen @ Balancing Beauty and Bedlam (@beautyandbedlam)
9. Mel @ A Box of Chocolates (@boxofchocolates)
10. Tonya @ There Is a Season (@forthegirls)
11. Sarah Mae @ Like a Warm Cup of Coffee (@sarahmaeblogs)
12. Julie D @ Mom 2 Ways (@Mom2Ways)
13. Christina Gleason @ Cutest Kid Ever (@cutestkidever)
14. Muthering Heights and Other Senseless Sensibility (@MutheringHeight)
15. Mommie Daze (@mommiedaze)
16. Mel4Him (@Mel4Him)

Oh how fun! I'll try to be there.
I'll be there!
Thank you so much for giving the link to BlogNerd!!
ReplyDeleteI will be at your parties!! @anjyldream
btw, McKlinky is awesome...I like it much more than Mr. Linky :)
I'll be there tonight, as long as my toddler stays in bed, which she hasn't been wanting to do lately!
I will try to be there!
oh girl - I am in on the pity party. We drove through Chicago this week and I told my hubby that I can't believe I am missing it by a couple days. He looks at me and said, "you should have gone." WHAT? Next year, for sure. :)
ReplyDeleteCount me in for the pityparty09. I'm boxofchocolates on twitter!!
ReplyDeleteShoot! I thought it was Eastern time (wasn't thinking) and was all ready to party. Boo's 7:59pm right now!
ReplyDeleteDeeern it! (yea, I really don't ever say that)
Trying to join ya'll!
I'm totally there! (@cutestkidever)
ReplyDeleteI'm there - @MutheringHeight
ReplyDeleteYou are so cute my friend!!
ReplyDeleteParty some for me!!!
Big I just couldn't get into twitter so it does me no good to have it size hugs to you!
Sign me up or Saturday! @mommiedaze