Please do not think that I am bragging about awards! I truly appreciate each award that is given to me and I do think that these bloggers deserve a heartfelt thank you for their kindness. I have been very behind in accepting awards and I do apologize. Because of that, I'll be breaking a few of the rules!
I have to thank these lovely ladies for passing the One Lovely Blog award to me!
I'm honored to receive the Loyal Friend award.
Thank you to Jen T from Many Blessings, Busy Life!
This Stamp Award says "I love your blog" in French and Portuguese.
Thank you to Auntie E from At Home With Auntie E!
And finally, I am glad to be considered worthy of the Honest Scrap award.
Thank you (again!) to Jen T of Many Blessings, Busy Life and Brooke from A Life in Need of Change!
Thank you so much to all! Now, the Honest Scrap award does ask you to share 10 honest things about yourself, so I will do that for you - 'cause I know you SO want to know - LOL!
Thank you so much to all! Now, the Honest Scrap award does ask you to share 10 honest things about yourself, so I will do that for you - 'cause I know you SO want to know - LOL!
1. I don't eat chocolate every day. I feel it's important for you to know that considering how much you love the chocolate on my blog! I would eat it every day if it was calorie-free! :)
2. I feel like a fake when I say I like coffee. I won't drink black coffee - even coffee with a little cream and sugar is too coffee-flavored for me. I'm a latte and mocha girl. I like the coffee flavor to be in the background.
3. I can tell that I'm approaching the age of 40, because I can't remember what honest facts I have or haven't already shared on my blog - LOL!
4. I love sunshine! I feel happy and energetic on a sunny day. When it's cloudy/rainy and cold, I seriously want to hibernate.
5. I stay up way too late. I've shared that before. I really have to get it through my thick skull that it's OK to go to bed before midnight! Since this is about honesty, I should tell you that it's 12:40 AM right now. As soon as I finish this post, I'll go to bed (though I don't go to sleep right away).
6. I think I want a new set of pots and pans for Christmas and that is making me feel old. Who would think that it would make me happy to get something for the kitchen as a gift? I used to tell my hubby not to get me anything remotely related to household duties.
7. Oh MY. Let's get even honester, or more honest if you prefer. After #6 I stayed up even later 'cause I wasn't sleepy enough to fall asleep, but my brain was too mushy to add to this post. I finally concluded that it would have to wait until the light of day, but I knew I would be gone all day on a school field trip. So, now it's 4:30 PM Thursday and I am determined to finish this and get it posted.
8. I like caramel, almost as much as I like chocolate. I especially like it when they get together!
9. I have serious time management issues. If you have tips, pass them along. I have really got to find a system that works for me.
10. See #5 and #7. Sadly I am anti-naps (It's all me - some weird issue that I have where naps signal weakness somehow. You'll think twice before asking me to be honest again!) , so will have to tough it out and son has a late baseball game tonight. Don't feel sorry for me 'cause it's all my own doing! :)
Oh my - not sure you really wanted all that!
Just a couple more things. All of the blogs listed on my sidebar are totally award-winning blogs! If any of you ladies want one of these lovely awards for your blog - grab one. You deserve it!!
And I have some blogs that aren't listed there that I am really enjoying at the moment. They are:
Pleasing To You
A Life In Need of Change
Mom's The Word
Frugal Femina
All That and a Box of Rocks
You ladies all deserve an award, but I'm going to let you choose your fave from the ones listed above! This is certainly not a comprehensive list. I know that's not the appropriate way to do it, but...well...did you read #5 and #7 and #10??
Thank you all for the sweet awards and I am happy to pass them along!
Have a great Thursday evening!!
2. I feel like a fake when I say I like coffee. I won't drink black coffee - even coffee with a little cream and sugar is too coffee-flavored for me. I'm a latte and mocha girl. I like the coffee flavor to be in the background.
3. I can tell that I'm approaching the age of 40, because I can't remember what honest facts I have or haven't already shared on my blog - LOL!
4. I love sunshine! I feel happy and energetic on a sunny day. When it's cloudy/rainy and cold, I seriously want to hibernate.
5. I stay up way too late. I've shared that before. I really have to get it through my thick skull that it's OK to go to bed before midnight! Since this is about honesty, I should tell you that it's 12:40 AM right now. As soon as I finish this post, I'll go to bed (though I don't go to sleep right away).
6. I think I want a new set of pots and pans for Christmas and that is making me feel old. Who would think that it would make me happy to get something for the kitchen as a gift? I used to tell my hubby not to get me anything remotely related to household duties.
7. Oh MY. Let's get even honester, or more honest if you prefer. After #6 I stayed up even later 'cause I wasn't sleepy enough to fall asleep, but my brain was too mushy to add to this post. I finally concluded that it would have to wait until the light of day, but I knew I would be gone all day on a school field trip. So, now it's 4:30 PM Thursday and I am determined to finish this and get it posted.
8. I like caramel, almost as much as I like chocolate. I especially like it when they get together!
9. I have serious time management issues. If you have tips, pass them along. I have really got to find a system that works for me.
10. See #5 and #7. Sadly I am anti-naps (It's all me - some weird issue that I have where naps signal weakness somehow. You'll think twice before asking me to be honest again!) , so will have to tough it out and son has a late baseball game tonight. Don't feel sorry for me 'cause it's all my own doing! :)
Oh my - not sure you really wanted all that!
Just a couple more things. All of the blogs listed on my sidebar are totally award-winning blogs! If any of you ladies want one of these lovely awards for your blog - grab one. You deserve it!!
And I have some blogs that aren't listed there that I am really enjoying at the moment. They are:
Pleasing To You
A Life In Need of Change
Mom's The Word
Frugal Femina
All That and a Box of Rocks
You ladies all deserve an award, but I'm going to let you choose your fave from the ones listed above! This is certainly not a comprehensive list. I know that's not the appropriate way to do it, but...well...did you read #5 and #7 and #10??
Thank you all for the sweet awards and I am happy to pass them along!
Have a great Thursday evening!!

I'm too tired to post a really clever comment so I'll be back tomorrow. I just wanted to be first as usual! LOL
ReplyDeleteThank you! I'm pulling the Honest Scrap award for myself because,'s awesome!
ReplyDeleteI just read through your post and We could be twins! We even have the same name. (Some people do that to their twins, right?!?!)
I was just thinking about you earlier when I realized that I don't have a post yet for tomorrow and it'll be...drum roll....Chocolate Fridayyyyy!!!
Now, go get some sleep. <--That's me, NOT practicing what I preach. lol
Lisa @
All That and a Box of Rocks
You're so sweet! I totally *heart* you! (even if you don't really like coffee ... which is actually something I cannot understand. tee hee)
ReplyDeleteOkay, I'm back just like I said I would be!
ReplyDeleteLet me just respond to each fact in the order you gave. Here we go. Just the answers.
1. How do you live with yourself?
2. That's just wrong right there but confession is good.
3. With you there girl.
4. As does most of the world.
5. That's starting to happen to me.
6. I've said the SAME EXACT thing. It really is sad.
7. Mushy is my middle name sometimes. It changes with my mood.
8. Love me some caramel.
9. Okay so do I!
10. I admit that I do take 15 min. power naps. They say they help you focus better. Maybe you should try them. LOL
See I told you I'd be back with an even bigger and better comment!
Big it's amazing what a little sleep and a lot of coffee can do for someone size hugs to you.
My friend tells me I don't drink real coffee either. I drink decaf with the powdered creamer. YUM! for some reason she thinks that is a mortal sin. Oh well.
ReplyDeleteI liked your list and congrats on the awards!!
Hi Lisa, not sure I've been here for a visit before or not, but love your blog...its all about things I love...chocolate and tea, to be specific! I always post for Tea Things Tuesday, but would love to do a double to include your Teacup Two-sday. Now I'm going to check out the rest of your blog...take care!
Congrats on your awards! :)
ReplyDeleteLisa - Thank you so much for including in your favorites. Hopefully we're rich and sweet enough for your palette! Wow - choosing our own award, that's super fun. I think the French and Portugese award would be wonderful. . . if only we had as many French and Brazilian readers as we do U.S. We're going global now! Congrats on your long list of honors.
ReplyDeleteHugs & Chocolate Kisses!