Sunday, November 15, 2009

Giveaway Winner And Making My Home Sing ~ Planning

Remember the fabulous Paperspring giveaway?  There is a winner!  The winner is...

(I know, I know - I promise you that I went to and put in my comment numbers and it came back with #1.  I personally think that Kim has found a way to hack into the site, but that's just me.  LOL!  :)  She is my friend so I can talk about her like that...)
Congratulations Kim!!

Now the 25% discount for is over, but my U.S. readers can still get a 15% discount on all products through the end of the year!  Just use code "stop4C15" when checking out.  And they always offer free shipping!

Making your home sing Mondays

I love joining in with Nan at Mom's The Word for Making My Home Sing!  I thought it was about time I get back to making my home sing since Thanksgiving is approaching!  Hubs helped make it sing by renting a Rug Doctor this weekend.  So nice to know that carpet, rugs and couches are nice and clean!  Just in time for Thanksgiving guests!

I was doing my planning for Thanksgiving.  Once I have the menu planned, I schedule out what to make on which day in order to get everything done in a timely manner with the least amount of stress.  Believe it or not, that means I will be preparing some things Monday thru Thursday next week!  We eat in early afternoon on Thanksgiving day so our travelers have plenty of time to relax after the meal before driving back.  That doesn't leave much time on Thursday to prepare food, so the more things that can be made ahead of time, the better!

As I was spending time planning out which dishes to cook on which days, I realized something.  If I didn't do all that planning for the meal, things would not go smoothly.  Some dishes wouldn't even be made; things wouldn't be ready on time; I would be constantly stressed out. why would I think that keeping up my household would be any different?

Without planning my household duties - not everything gets done; things don't happen in a timely manner; I am constantly stressed out about it.  So I have some planning to do.  I'm still trying to decide just how specific I need to be and what will work best for me.  But I will start with a list of all the things that need to be done this week and split it up among the days.  We'll see what happens!

Do you follow a specific housecleaning schedule or do you just do what needs to be done automatically?  Do you just list out what needs to be done each day as it comes?  What system works best for you?

If you feel like making your home sing by cooking yummy stuff, you might want to check out all the recipes that were linked up last week for Tried and True Thanksgiving Recipes Week at What's Cooking At My House, or Tidymom's Love The Pie party going on today, or the virtual Cookie Exchange at Frugal Creativity!

Go see what's making more homes sing at Mom's The Word today!

Have a great Monday!


  1. Woo! Hoo!!!! I'm so excited! It pays to be number 1 sometimes! LOL!

    Did you feel the same way when you saw I won as I did when Kathy won mine? LOL. How come we feel guilty for a personal friend winning out giveaways! LOL!!

    Big Now you don't have to worry about getting me a Christmas gift since I've won so many giveaways size hugs to you! LOL

  2. I'm a great list maker. But having kids and growing older and the overwhelming need to spend time with those I love has also turned me into a "throw it all out the window and run with the moment" kind of person. So, now-a-days, my lists are guidelines and not rules. I don't sweat it if the place is not vacuumed or I didn't have time to do a pie as well as a crisp! Eating and laughing with friends and family is much more important. (And my mom is the only one that notices that I haven't dusted.) I no longer stress out about anything that is not a life or death situation!

  3. I do follow a cleaning schedule. It is the only way I can keep up with everything that I need to do.

  4. Any chocolate lover is a friend of mine!

    You're invited to visit me:

    for some laughs and 'God' times...

  5. Way to be organized, girl!!!! It does help lessen the stress if you can do things ahead, doesn't it?

    I do have a weekly cleaning schedule, if you want to see it click here. It also has a link to my daily schedule.

    I like to follow that schedule but sometimes I want to vary the routine and use a different system. To see it click here.

    Thank you for joining up today!

  6. I do basic cleaning on Mondays. For deeper cleaning, I go through different rooms of the house like Flylady does each week although I will say that I don't always do this. Great job!

  7. I follow a cleaning schedule. Basically what flylady does ( I also give my kids chores to help me out :)

  8. I'm the same way...I HAVE to be on a schedule, or I won't accomplish anything!


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