Monday, November 2, 2009

I Lit A Pie On Fire - How Was Your Day?

I decided to start this week off just telling what's going on around here - aren't you glad you stopped by?  :)

Yes, I did light a pie on fire Sunday morning.  Perhaps the time change wasn't a good thing for me!  I had spent Saturday evening making food for our Church Potluck (Potato Goulash, Caesar CousCous, Chocolate Cherry Cobbler, and Pumpkin-Ginger Pie).  The Pumpkin-Ginger pie called for a broiled marshmallow topping which I decided to do Sunday morning.  I put the pie on the very top shelf under the broiler and peeked at it a couple times.  Looked again and just saw flames!!  Well, I immediately turned off the broiler and turned on an exhaust fan, but then I just stared at the flaming pie - I did not know what to do with it!  It was a very sad kitchen moment for me.  I called my hubby, who came in, pulled the shelf out and blew the flames right out.  Happy ending?  Only the top of the thick layer of marshmallows was burned, so I was able to take it all off and start over - uh, on a lower shelf.  Turned out great!  Don't worry - if you catch on fire in my kitchen, I'm pretty sure I'll figure out a way to put it out...I think!  :)

Speaking of kitchens, and food - minus the smoky smell - (is that not a great segue - LOL) - did you know that my friend Kim at Homesteader's Heart is having a Tried and True Thanksgiving Recipes Week next week (November 9-13)?  Yum!  It will be hosted on her cooking blog - What's Cooking At My House.  Get your yummy posts ready to link up!  Here's the schedule: Monday - Appetizers, Tuesday - Sides, Wednesday - Main Dish, Thursday - Dessert, Friday - Thanksgiving Traditions.  See you there!   

A note for tomorrow - there won't be a Tea For Two-sday post.  I think I have to give the tea posts a break for a while.  I've been posting about tea almost every Tuesday for over 18 months!  You can look through some of the past Tea posts by clicking on Tea for Two-sday in the label cloud on my sidebar.

I hope all of you have a fabulous day today  - a non-flaming pie kind of day!

Hugs to you my friends! 


  1. Well my friend if it's any consolation to you, when Kathy made sweet potato casserole and decided to "brown" the marshmallows in MY oven, she got a little generous with the marshmallow on top and they puffed and spilled over onto my oven floor. For the first few days it actually smelled good but then it turned into a charcoaly mess! LOL Does that help ease your pain? LOL

    Oh and thanks so much for the shout out of my Thanksgiving week! You rock!!

    Big Caution: Marshmallows may ignite without warning, should be on the side of the bag size hugs to you! LOL

  2. Good Morning Lisa, Oh No! What a way to start the week! LOL! The time change had me "off" as well! My husband and son were already at church yesterday morning for an early Men's Breakfast. So my daughter and I were to meet them there for the early service. I got confused and thought it was at 8:00, but instead...and MUCH to my daughter's dismay, church started at 8:30! Ashley was not amused when we arrived 30 minutes too soon! ...imagine a 16 year old up that early, who didn't get to "properly straighten her hair," due to the time. Well, at least for one Sunday, we weren't late! LOL!

    The rest of your potluck dishes sounded delicious! ...and glad you were able to salvage the pie!

    On another note, I'll definitely have to try the Buble' CD. I really like him and didn't know he had a new one out! Thanks for the review!

    Hope you have a wonderful week! ~hugs, Rhonda :)


    I can only laugh because it's something I'd do. Except we'd have pulled out the fire extinguisher, made a mess and ruined the pie all at the same time as well.

    Glad yours turned out okay anyways.


  4. Oh and I'd have gotten 3rd degree burns in the process, because that's just how i roll in my kitchen. It's not a good day in the kitchen if it doesn't end up in a trip to the ER.

  5. It happens to the best of us:-)

  6. Love the title! I saw it on Teri Lynne's sidebar and HAD to take a look!

    Great site! Love the chocolate!!!

    Would you believe that there are actually places in the world where one cannot buy chocolate chips? I know because I live there. Cry for me. I miss frozen chocolate chips. LOL!

    If it's any consolation, I burn things in the oven often. It's not that I'm a bad cook so much as it is that I have an easy-bake oven to work with. Well, not really, but it's super tiny. You can only get just so far away from the heating element. But I can't complain. At least I have one.

    As far as what I did today----I went outside with a wedge and a sledge and busted up some stubborn logs. Not my idea of fun, but hey, the woodstove feels lovely now :)

  7. It does happen to everyone! I'm glad you and your husband were able to save the pie.

    At least you weren't injured. I don't make candy apples anymore, since the time I poured the hot syrup on my fingers. That was a nasty burn!

  8. Oh my goodness! I've never had anything happen to me like that in the kitchen before - but I probably would have totally freaked out, too...and wouldn't have known what to do right away! Good thing your hubby was around! =-) That is so great that you were able to save the main part of the pie, too!

  9. Well, love the definitely is an eye-catcher. :) Too bad about the pie, but it's good you could save it and give it another topping.

  10. Broiling seems to be a dangerous method. I've started several fires with the broiler, and now try to avoid it if at all possible! I could totally imagine the scene because I think I've lived something similar!

  11. I'm so sorry about your pie...what a crazy day!

  12. You sound like me... now that's unlike you Lisa! hehe. Hubby is always saying what are you burning now Jen. Hope you had a better day :)

  13. Phew! Rescued by your honey! How sweet is that? :) So gald you weren't hurt and that you were able to save the pie for the potluck.

  14. Thanks for having stopped by my blog. So glad you did so I could find you here, this is a great blog. I'm going to add you to my list of favoite blogs!

  15. Well, that was exciting! I want to come over to your house for dinner. Much more excitement than mine!!! You know how to live, girl!

  16. Burned marshmallow... Doesn't everybody burn their marshmallows before they eat them? I know I do. At least the ones I roast at the camp fire.

    I thought of something while reading your post. I remembered a few days ago you asked for ideas on how to make a little money blogging. Well, how about putting together a cookbook and including the helpful tips and tea stuff and all the stuff you normally do on the blog? You could sell it on your blog and it would make a great gift to buy for people. I know I would buy one. Just an idea.


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