Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Buster's New Trick

Hey, look at what Buster can do with a hula hoop!!

Hmmm...I don't think he's going to win any ribbons for that one.  :)

For more Wordless Wednesday pics, stop by 5 minutes For Mom!


  1. Awww! He's so cute!!!!

    Big that's where my hoola hoop ends up so I might as well take a nap size hugs to you.

    LOVE YA!

  2. That takes talent to land in the fallen hoola-hoop.Bravo! Happy WW

  3. Looks like he's in training all right!

  4. Hooray! He captured the ring and didn't let it roll away.

  5. How cute!! He's really enjoying that hula hoop!!

  6. Totally made me giggle. I needed a good giggle tonight. Thanks! :)

  7. Poor Buster! He has such a rough life. There's no place to sleep, except on the hula hoop. Poor fella.


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