Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: 1st Day of School

School has started!  I love to see my son's happy face on the first day of school!  Here he is on the first day of 6th grade!

He's growing up too fast!!  (All you parents think the same of your own children, don't you?)  Let's look back through the school years...

5th Grade

4th Grade

3rd Grade (Picture FAIL)

2nd Grade

1st Grade


OK - let me wipe the tears away so I can say Happy Wordless Wednesday!!  See more Wordless Wednesday pics at 5 Minutes For Mom!

Have a lovely day my friends and give those kiddos a big hug!


  1. That's so sweet and I totally know what you mean.. the time just flies right by and kids grow up way too fast.

  2. Cuteness! He IS growing up into a handsome young man.

    Big 90% of my pictures are picture failures but those are my favorites because they make me laugh size hugs to you!

    Love you my friend.

  3. SO cute!! He looks SO different from last year to this year!
    Following you now from 5 Mins. Come check us out and follow back!

  4. Too cute, love the pictures. They grow up way too fast!!

    Love and Blessings

  5. Oh my your young man is so handsome! Yes they do grow up way too fast!! EEKS!!

  6. Hi...it's Jeanine over at peaceFULLYsimple. My son will be entering 6th grade in a couple of weeks, too. It's bittersweet, isn't it? So many memories of their past with so much to look forward to in their futures.
    Peace and blessings to your day!

  7. What a sweet trip down memory lane:-)

  8. He is growing up to be a fine looking young man. :) Happy WW!

  9. It was so wonderful to see him progress through the grades.

  10. Oh Lisa.. how sweet all the shots!

  11. He is looking so much older to me! And so great that you have pictures from every year. My favorite is 1st grade. I love his face!

  12. Oh my word....so sweet. I never notice how much the kids around me have grown until I see their old pictures. The kindergarten picture is my favorite!!


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