Monday, September 20, 2010

She Excels At Finding Shells...Not

When I was in Florida visiting Kim (you can read more of my adventures there on Kim's blog!), we went to the beach so I could collect some sea shells for my son.  Her sweet family helped me find some neat shells in the sand that my kiddo would enjoy - here are most of them...

So pretty!  Now, when I was by myself for a moment on the beach, I spotted another sort of shell in the sand.  It was mostly white and I thought it seemed like the same material as a sand dollar.  It also had a pretty pale blue on the inside.  I had not seen a "shell" like that before and was going to ask Kim or her family about it - but they were heading back already so I threw it in the bag with the other shells.  I never looked at the shells in the bag again and brought them home.

My son was in another room, excitedly looking through his bag of shells when I heard this...

Son:  Mom???
Me:  Yes? (expecting him to tell me how impressed he was at the collection of shells)
Son:  Why'd you bring me a bottle cap??

Go ahead.  Laugh it up.  Hey - at least I admitted it.  And I'll have you know that you are looking at an authentic Florida beach bottle cap!  I guarantee that Kim is STILL laughing at this moment.  :)

I hope you find a little laughter in your day my friends!


  1. Oh that's funny my friend. That bottle cap is getting around. Who knows, it could have washed up from some other country. LOL!
    Kudos to your son for knowing what it was. HA! Oh how I miss you my friend!

    Big She Sells Sea Shells By the Sea Shore Size Hugs to You!

    Love you!

  2. Oh Lisa!! That is SO funny! I love that! :)

  3. That is hilarious!! I have to admit, I was expecting something to be alive!!

    Love and Blessings

  4. Hahaha!!! That is a good one! And I would have probably done the same thing. And my son would have figured it out too. :-)

  5. I literally started laughing out loud at that one! Thanks for a good start to the day!
    Peace and blessings to your day!


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