So sorry for the delay of this post! My dad was visiting and we were out and about every day and up late every night. By the time I could get to the computer each night, my brain was mush! :)
I'm enjoying this series because I really am writing what I feel led to share with you and that often means last-minute changes to posts. I had a post partly written but this felt more important to share so I just had to go with the flow!
I'm going to share a couple of links to posts that I ran across recently that I think are very encouraging for bloggers. Why try to say it myself if somebody else has already done an excellent job? I hope you are as encouraged by these lovely ladies as I am! They are both wonderful bloggers and sweet ladies and I also love that they actually live in my same time zone (sounds funny, but most of my blog friends are Eastern time zone, making it harder to chat online). :)
Encouragement from Others:
Denise from Denise In Bloom is following God's leading with her blog even when it seems different than what she planned. She felt led to share a special message for bloggers in a video. Thank you for encouraging us with your heartfelt message Denise!
I hope you are blessed and encouraged by their words this weekend! And I hope you are inspired to blog! No matter what size your blog is - you are all unique, wonderful, remarkable and influential bloggers.
Have a blessed and encouraging day friends!!

I've missed you my friend. I'm going to go check out those posts right now!
ReplyDeleteBig mushy thoughts are not productive thoughts and I'm glad you waited size hugs to you!
Thanks again, Lisa, these posts are so helpful right now.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing these links. Super encouraging!