Thursday, November 17, 2011

Encouraging Bloggers ~ The Blessings of Blogging

This is the first chance I've had to get this posted and it's already Sunday evening!  Go ahead and laugh - but I'm backdating it to Thursday 'cause it just makes me feel better.  :)

Welcome again to Encouraging Bloggers - Part 9 today!  Be sure to stop by the Intro post with links to the series if you've missed anything.  Though every post might not apply to you, I hope that you find encouragement somewhere within the series.  Thanks for hanging in here with me!

As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday and reflect on the things we are thankful for in our lives, I wanted to include blogging.  Are you thankful for your blog?  How has blogging blessed your life?  Can you easily list out the blessings of blogging?

I wanted to see if I could list out 20 ways that I am blessed through my blogging - or reasons I'm thankful for my blog.  I did the first 10 in under 30 seconds.  The other 10 took a little more time and thinking, but I did get 20!  I would like to challenge you this week to make your own list of 20 reasons that you're thankful for your blog!

For some of you this will be fairly easy.  But there may be some of you that struggle to even come up with 10.  If you struggle with making this list, I'd like to suggest that you consider taking a break from your blog sometime during the next month so you can figure out if you really want to continue blogging or if you need a change of direction or purpose on your blog.  Or maybe you just need to take a step back to let the blessings come into focus.  I can tell you that when I took a break from my blog - absence made the heart grow fonder!

I don't want to tell you my whole list so that I don't influence your list too much, but I will tell you the first 3 that came off the top of my head:

 ~ My blog has provided me with a creative outlet.
 ~ Blogging has given me a sense of community.
 ~ I have made new friends through blogging.

I am so thankful that I have been able to share some encouragement with all of you and am thankful for all of you that stop by and read and share my words with others.  Thank you for joining me!

Encouraging Bloggers will take a break during Thanksgiving week, but will be back the following week.  I believe I have a couple more posts to go in the series to finish it up.

I hope all of you have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving week!  Feel free to share some of your blogging blessings in the comments!  Hugs to all!


  1. Blogging has renewed my love for writing.

    Blogging has brought me so many wonderful friends.

    Blogging has helped me to realize my calling in life (or one of them).

  2. Great post my friend. Wonderful encouragement!!

    Big blogging helps me with my 10,000 words a day and my husband appreciates it as well size hugs to you!
    Love ya!
    Have a Happy Thanksgiving my bestest blogging friend!

  3. ^^ I snorted at the "10,000 words a day". Yeah, I totally relate!!!

    Mostly, my blog gives me a creative outlet.

    Also, my blog helps keep my friends in America connected to my thoughts 5,000 miles away.

  4. The friendships and finding my voice in Him... those seem to be at the top of my list. Have a great week with your family.

  5. I also feel very blessed from blogging - new friendships, a creative outlet, a sense of your posts!

  6. Great post – I’m going to Tweet about your blog.

  7. I'm a little late to comment, but I was just doing some catching up with your posts. Great ideas and I appreciate you taking the time to write of these wonderful suggestions.

    I'm thankful for my blog because it's given me back my love of writing, plus a sense of belonging to a community.


I would love to hear your comments! Thank you for stopping and smelling the chocolates with me!! Currently disabled anonymous comments due to spam attempts - thanks for understanding!

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