Tuesday, March 13, 2012

I Think I'm Supposed To Write Something...

...here. :)

When my mind is being pulled in several directions, I just can't seem to get my thoughts together enough to form a post. I have things to post - a list of posts in fact, but the effort to get them written up seems too great. And I have had time to write - not a lot, but I have sat with the laptop and have not been able to start writing.

I seem to be struggling just to remember what I need to accomplish each day and there have been so many things going on lately (all good things) that I am now far behind in everything - housework, homeschooling, exercising, and all things online. In fact, while I'm writing this I'm feeling a very strong urge to make a list of things that I *must* remember to do tomorrow as it will be a very busy day!

I will have a post sometime in the next several days that includes a giveaway - woo hoo! And I know think I'll have a recipe post up shortly. I appreciate your patience and hope you'll keep checking back!

Can you relate? And if you can't - I need your secret - LOL!  :)

I hope you are all well and having a great start to your week! Have a wonderful day friends!


  1. I'm with you my friend well on the blogging thing at least. LOL! I have things I want to post but can't seem to put them down on paper.

    Big just do a vlog of you exercising and kill two birds size hugs to you!

    LOVE you!

  2. Yes! I can relate. My house has suffered since I started blogging and that's not like me.
    I wish I had some great advice :-)

  3. Let's just say that housework has never been my strong suit. So sorry no advice for me too. I will offer a big virtual (((hug))). Your todo list reminds me of my home ;) Blessings to you my friend!

  4. I can relate my friend. I wish I could tell you I had a certain secret to keeping the balance. But I don't. I often allow my household to suffer while I feed my social media addictions. I am working on it. :)


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