What I'm thinking: How amazing it is that after just 1 day of being back to doing 30-Day Shred, I already
What I'm reading: Still working my way through Psalms in the Bible - over halfway through! And I'm about halfway through One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp.
What I'm listening to: The fan blowing - it's another triple digit day here! Other than that, it's quiet - hubs is at work and kiddo is reading in his room.
What we're learning: How to use a Kindle Touch! We surprised kiddo with one for his 13th birthday and we are all figuring out the details {'cause like it or not, he'll be sharing it some with us!}.
What I'm watching: Watched Batman Begins over the weekend. Plan to watch The Dark Knight this week. Working our way up to the final Batman movie. :)
What's cooking: Chicken soup tonight. Tried a new lasagna recipe over the weekend - yum! And we finished up the Creamy Baked Cheesecake from kiddo's birthday.
What I'm buying: The kid {who has now reached 5'7"} needs new Boy Scout pants and shirt, so we'll be headed to the Scout shop soon. And we still have school supplies to buy. And I need to pick up a few groceries so I think we'll try and do all the errands at once. Maybe. :)
What I'm thankful for: I'm thankful for such a wonderful son that we've been blessed with for 13 amazing years!!! Also thankful for a hubs that works so many hours at his job and provides for our family.
What I'm creating: Will be trying a new recipe for a guest post on another blog and maybe attempting another small craft this week. I also need to create a schedule for myself for when kiddo starts back to school.
What I'm planning: Getting caught up on many things this week and getting everything ready to go for kiddo to start school next week! His first day is next Tuesday and so is mine {I'll be helping at the school 1 day a week}!
What we did this last weekend: Caught up on a few chores. Hubs washed the dog - thank YOU!! Kiddo went on a bike ride with friends. And I broke out in hives and took benadryl and slept. So fun...not! Things seem to have cleared up for me, but I don't know if it was food -related or something else.
What I'm looking forward to: This last week of Summer before school starts! Also, another Savor 7 {Saturday} - a great way to share blessings and encouragement! I'd love it if you join me by writing up a post and linking it on Saturday. Or just share your own blessings in the comments!
A picture to share:
I posted this pic on my Facebook page {hey, you can come "Like" me there so we can hang out more!} and thought you might like it here too. It's strange knowing there's a teenager in the house! :)
How was your week? What exciting things are happening this week?
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Have a blessed and fabulous Monday friends!

It's great having teens! I have two and have loved seeing them grow and develop into the people God has ordained them to be!
ReplyDeleteI love this Monday Musings idea and did my own post...http://enjoytheprocess.blogspot.com/2012/08/monday-musings-813.html