Friday, November 9, 2012

Five Minute Friday ~ Quiet

Five Minute Friday 
Every Friday at The Gypsy Mama is Five Minute Friday. She gives a one-word prompt and you write about whatever comes to mind for 5 minutes with out worrying about editing, over-thinking, etc. Just write. And then link up with all the other lovely brave people! You know, you can do this even if you don't have a blog. Maybe keep a special journal just for your 5-minute writings!

I've only attempted this one other time, but I love the idea and I love how freeing it feels to just write and not over-think it. So I'll be trying to join in more often. But be warned - 5 minutes is not very long and I am a slow writer, so these posts will be super short - LOL!! :)



There's an insulated hush that comes over the town at night when fluffy snow is gently falling to the ground. That's one of the lovely things I remember from growing up where it snows. That stillness. That quiet.

It's that same quiet that I'm always looking for in my soul and in my mind so that I can really think, really ponder the things of life. That same quiet can be found in the early morning, before the rest of the world awakes. That time as the coffee is brewing and the fog slowly lifts from my mind and I search for my Bible. This is the quiet that I need.

In the quiet.
 I pray.
 I wait.
 I listen. 
I find joy.
 In the quiet.

May you find quiet in your soul today friends.


Let me know if you decide to join in so I can come and read! Have a blessed day friends!


  1. Just dropping by from FMF. This is beautifully written, Lisa! This is a great reminder that in today's noisy world we need to seek that quiet time with the Lord. He is faithful to meet us where we are, and we can find joy and peace in His presence.

  2. Yay, you linked up again! Oh how I long for the quiet. My soul doesn't know how to quiet down, even when given the opportunity. Enjoyed your post my friend!


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