What I'm thinking: That I have lots to do today and was going to start it right after this post, but now that I look at the clock, I think I better go do a few things right now! Meet ya back here for the rest of the post after I finish a few chores - OK? LOL! :)
Aaannd we're back! Ate breakfast, finished getting myself ready, started laundry, put clean dishes away, loaded dishwasher, filled out our weekly schedule, backed car into driveway for windshield chip repair guy, and made a list of everything I must remember to get done today. Now I can continue the post guilt-free. :)
What I'm reading: Reading Song of Solomon in the Bible and trying to finish Organized Simplicity ~ The Clutter-Free Approach to Intentional Living by Tsh Oxenreider . Still reading Early To Rise - Learn to Rise Early in 30 Days by Andy Traub on my Kindle.
What I'm listening to: The dryer tumbling and that's about it - pretty quiet here at the moment.
What we're learning: Well, we all learned CPR this weekend! Actually son and hubs already knew it, but needed to be recertified. I had never taken a class so thought it would be a good idea since the Boy Scout troop was doing it together along with family and school staff members. We learned CPR, First Aid, AED and we're certified for 2 years now! Definitely important info to know - I recommend it for anybody! And son finished up a First Aid merit badge class for Boy Scouts, so as a result we now have an official family first aid kit {can't believe we didn't have one put together before - now if there's an emergency we can grab it and go or even take it along on car trips}.
What I'm watching: Didn't have much time to watch much of anything. Have any of you watched Duck Dynasty? We've seen a few episodes and I think it's hilarious! They claim the show is non-scripted, and maybe the words aren't written, but the scenarios are obviously planned out. Even knowing that, the characters are quite entertaining. And I like that they end each show with the family around the table praying.
What's cooking: Pork loin later this week - roasted in the oven with a rub on it. And thank you - that just reminded me I have to take it out to thaw!!! Be right back - LOL! Whew - so now can I claim that blogging saved dinner?! :)
What I'm buying: I need a few things from Trader Joe's and I hope to find time to get to the thrift store to look for more shorts for the kiddo. He prefers to live in shorts year-round {even in forty-something degrees} except for part of the year when he's forced to wear pants to school as part of the dress code! Just 2 more weeks until Easter Break and then when he goes back to school after that, he can wear shorts to school the rest of the year - he's seriously counting down!
What I'm thankful for: This week I'm thankful for beautiful sunshine!! And for everything starting to bloom as Spring is almost here! Spring is such a lovely time, though Summer is still my favorite season, I think, or is it Fall? Hmmm...maybe anything but Winter. :)
What I'm creating: Creating reports of the current numbers as part of my Treasurer duties for our Boy Scout troop. Doesn't that sound exciting? And maybe a new recipe to add to the backlog of recipes that I need to post on this here blog.
What I'm planning: Figuring out meals, etc for the week as a brother-in-law will be our house guest. More C25K jogs - they'll be 30 minutes long this week. Going out for a belated birthday celebration for a friend and maybe celebrating another friend's birthday on another day! Also planning to continue getting up early each weekday as part of the Early To Rise challenge.
What we did this last weekend: CPR and First Aid! That made for a long Saturday and then we had some errands too. So I didn't get my weekend jog done. Yesterday after church son & hubs got their First Aid merit badge class finished up. That means 5 scouts just earned another merit badge! And in between all those things, son did tons of homework {some of it his fault for not doing ahead of time} and was overwhelmed by it all. But proud of him for working through it and getting it all done - including his opening statement as prosecuting attorney in a mock trial in Junior High. So cool.
What I'm looking forward to: Easter Break - 2 more weeks!! That means I don't have to drive back and forth to school or prepare lunch in the morning. And there is usually sleeping in involved. Hubs will hopefully get a couple days off and we'll try to go do something fun.
A picture to share:
Son got a cast for a broken wrist over 3 weeks ago, but his arm was so sweaty that the cast was driving him crazy and he was worried about his skin underneath with all the moisture. So we went Friday to have it checked and got a fresh & clean new cast {no cost} put on! Son was very happy about that and has less than 2 weeks to go until this one comes off! Yay!
What are your plans for this week?
Have a blessed day friends!

So I was right about the CPR picture on your FB page. LOL!
ReplyDeleteBig busy early rising, 30 minute jogging, just thinking about it I'm exhausted size hugs to you!
Oh the Song of Solomon is my favorite book in the Bible right now. So much richness there. And I have "Organized Simplicity" and really should pull it off my shelf. I was able to get CPR and First Aid trained at my church. Thankful that hopefully if someone needed help, I may know what to do!