Friday, June 28, 2013

Last Chance to Switch From Google Reader!

I like to live on the edge.

OK, not really. I was just trying to come up with a good justification for being SUCH a procrastinator! As usual, I waited until almost the last minute to finally switch my Reader.

No, no. Not this kind of Reader. :)

If you're wondering what I'm talking about - I read all my blogs through Google Reader. If you're not familiar with Readers - they're a great way to organize all your blog and other subscriptions in one place. And also a good way to make yourself feel guilty as you see the number of unread posts constantly increasing. :)

Anyway, hopefully you already know that Google Reader is no more as of July 1st {that's Monday}! And if you're a Google Reader user, hopefully you already made the switch to a new Reader {otherwise you'll lose all your subscription info, etc.}!

But if you're like me and you knew about it and you've been meaning to do something about it and you keep putting it off - well, do it NOW! I mean, you don't want to miss out on any of my posts, right? Um...right??? :)

If you haven't the time to think about which new reader is best or spend much time switching everything over - let me just recommend You can always switch to something else later if you prefer. I stopped there yesterday and there was a lovely button for a one-click import of your whole Google Reader. Bam! Click. Done. It's all there and I even started organizing it a little better.

Did you make the switch? What did you switch to? Or do you even know what I'm talking about? :)

If you need a little extra fun today, do stop by the Stop and Smell the Chocolates Facebook page for FB Friday Fun - questions to answer, a mystery photo to guess, and a recipe for the weekend!

Have a blessed day friends!


  1. Thank you so much, I tried to get on Google reader a few weeks ago, and couldn't find the link or something, and thought all my subscriptions were lost forever. What a powerful little button!

    1. Yay - glad that helped you! I couldn't believe that one click was all it took!

  2. I love feedly and sniffs..sad to see it go. I think GFC is going away too.

    1. GFC went away for Wordpress users quite a while back and I do think I saw something about it going away for Blogger eventually too.


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