What I'm thinking: That I love Summer and the break from school just as much as my son does! . :)
What I'm reading: Reading the book of Isaiah in the Bible and not much else at the moment though I have about a gazillion Kindle books to read - LOL! At least it feels like that.
What I'm listening to: The sounds of a squirrel chattering/chirping/whatever you want to call the warning sound they make and wind chimes in the breeze. I've got my coffee and my laptop outside this morning.
What we're learning: That we are actually capable of keeping some garden plants alive! We planted a few things in planter boxes just to see what would happen. Killed off the cucumbers and strawberries very quickly, but 2 pepper plants and 4 tomato plants are alive and well! But don't let me forget to water them while I'm out here. Kiddo is learning basketball skills this week - he's going to a basketball "camp" today thru Thursday. I'm interested to see how he does and if he enjoys it.
What I'm watching: I don't watch that many TV shows these days, but I do like Food Network Star. And we enjoy the show North America that's been showing lately on Discovery channel - such amazing sights! I wish I could travel all around the U.S. and see all the sights.
What's cooking: Leftovers from a Father's Day dinner out - which means no cooking for me, which is almost like it's Mother's Day! :) I have a couple new recipes I'll be trying out this week. If they work out, I'll post them on the blog.
What I'm buying: Hopefully nothing this week. All stocked up!
What I'm thankful for: Thankful for my wonderful husband! Thankful for his auto mechanic skillz {though it's nothing close to what he does for a living} - he put new brake pads on my car yesterday. He saves us SO much money and time by doing the work on our cars. Where did he learn those skills? In high school auto mechanics classes. Do they even teach those in schools anymore? They should - important skills to have even if you aren't going into it as a profession. Ideally, dads would teach it to their sons {and daughters too - my dad showed me how to change a flat tire, check the battery, and even change spark plugs}, but not all adults are handy with auto repairs.
What I'm creating: Hopefully an organized, tidy, peaceful home. Now that it's Summer, I feel like I have a chance to catch up and make it happen!
What I'm planning: Need to get my menu figured out for the week, and we'll have company for dinner on Saturday so I have to figure out what to make!
What we did this last weekend: We spent all day Saturday up in the mountains at a rustic old camp helping get it ready for the Summer as it's where our boys go for their Boy Scout Summer Camp. Was nice to be up there though I spent the whole time in the kitchen sanitizing dishes {mice get in the cupboards in the winter}. Sunday was church and then should have been a relaxing day for hubs since it was Father's Day, but he needed to put new brake pads on my car.
What I'm looking forward to: Lunch with a friend! And getting organized...maybe...this *could* be the week that it finally happens. :) Also looking forward to my son having pain-free toes! Poor kid has been struggling with infected ingrown toenails for quite a while, even after seeing the Dr. We did manage to get rid of the infection, but finally had to go have a little surgery to remove the sides of the nails on both big toes. Ouch!! But so much relief after having it done. His toes look ugly right now, but feel great - he is so happy about that!
A picture to share:
A math award that my kiddo was very excited to receive on the last day of school. So proud of him!! Aren't you glad that I didn't share a pic of the ingrown toenails that were cut from son's toes?! LOL!!
What are your plans for the week?
Have a blessed day friends!

My Boy is at scout camp and girls can go to summer school ...working preparing for my Girls camp and reading books and tough mudder :)
ReplyDeleteI was really kinda hoping for the toe nail picture. I'm just sayin.
ReplyDeleteOh and I didn't have to cook one thing yesterday. My son made breakfast and lunch and my daughter made dinner. It was like Mother's Day for me all over again. LOL!
Big I'll be looking for that picture for Wordless Wednesday size hugs to you! LOL!
Love you friend!