Alphabet Meme
A. Attached or Single? Attached to my hubs {Married for over 20 years - woo hoo!}!
B. Best Friend? Honestly - it's my hubs.
C. Cake or pie? I gotta go with cake here. You know how I'm sure of that? In my Recipe Index - there are 40 cake recipes listed {wow} and only 9 pies - LOL!
D. Day of choice? Friday!
E. Essential Item? Can coffee be considered an essential item? Because it should be.
F. Favorite color? Red.
G. Gummy bears or worms? Gummy bears.
H. Hometown? Helena, Montana.
I. Favorite Indulgence? Fancy coffee drinks {but how can it be an indulgence if it's an essential item??}.
J. January or July? JULY - Summertime! Woo Hoo!
K. Kids? 1 fabulous 13-yr. old {soon to be 14} son!
L. Life isn’t complete without? The essential coffee. :) Seriously though - God, my wonderful hubs & son, friends & family, & sunshine. And cake.
M. Marriage date? 10/24/92
N. Number of brothers/sisters? 2 sisters.
O. Oranges or Apples. Apples. In cake. {German Apple Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting - yesssss.}
P. Phobias? No true phobias, but I really really really don't like spiders.
Q. Quotes? "You're awesome. Last thing I'm gonna say." Kung Fu Panda
R. Reasons to smile? Way too many to list!! I find a reason to smile every day!
S. Season of choice? Summer. I like the warm weather, the freedom, & going on trips.
T. Tag 5 People. I have never enjoyed tagging people. Anybody can do it - If you do - let me know so I can come read!
U. Unknown fact about me? Not sure if I've shared this or not - I moved away from home when I was 18. Moved from Montana to California with a friend of mine {we moved in with her grandparents until we got jobs and an apartment} in a car packed full with all of our junk! My parents thought I was crazy! But it's clear to me now that God meant for me to make that move as I met the man who would become my husband less than a month after that move! :)
V. Vegetable? Green beans, corn, peas.
W. Worst habit? Procrastination!
X. Xray or Ultrasound? I've had plenty of both, thank you.
Y. Your favorite food? Besides cake? And chocolate? And coffee? Well then, steak. Or Chicken Caesar Lasagna. :)
Z. Zodiac sign? Aries, but I don't believe in Zodiac signs.
Okay, now it is your turn to do the Alphabet Meme! Grab the button below and link up at Miss Elaine-ous Life. *Oops - looks like the link collection is already closed for this month, so come back and leave your link in the comments if you post it!

I hope you have a blessed and lovely day friends!

Girl, you post recipes that make me drool here. And yes, I think Coffee must be considered an essential item! Have a beautiful week.