Let's look back at our week and "savor" {to have experience of; to taste or smell with pleasure; to delight in} together.
7 blessings. 7 experiences, tastes, smells, delights. 7 ways to share, encourage, inspire. 1 for each day of the week. Join me? Write your own post sharing 7 blessings from your week ~ link it up anytime this weekend. If you don't have a blog, share your blessings in the comments - I'd love to hear them!
Savored this week:
1. Pumpkin Bread! Yes, Fall is on the way! I made 4 loaves of the stuff already - some for church, some for us, some for friends, and some for hubs' coworkers.
2. I love watching hummingbirds in our backyard! Saw a cute one today and it reminded us that we need to put up a feeder for them. Do you have hummingbirds in your yard?
3. More backyard fun - saw a napping squirrel on the fence a couple days ago - so funny to see! Looked much like this one I saw a few months ago, though it was a smaller one...
4. A Boy Scouts Court of Honor where our son received a few merit badges - proud of the hard work he does to earn those! He earned: Cooking, Blackpowder Rifle, Fingerprinting, Golf, Salesmanship, and Weather. Good job son!
5. James Bond movies on Instant Netflix. Hubs and I are watching some of the old Sean Connery ones - it's been several years since we've seen them. We like seeing the 60's clothes and special effects {not a big fan of his *many* lady friends, of course!}. Gotta love those Bond villains! Do you have a favorite Bond movie or do you dislike them?
6. Are you on Google+? {You can find me here.} I admit, it's hard to learn something new and I haven't done much with it. But thanks to a great series for bloggers by Chef Dennis Littley, I think I'm starting to understand it! If you're a blogger, I highly recommend reading his series {Part 1, Part 2}!
7. The pumpkin spice lattes have already appeared at Starbucks and other coffee shops! And do you know what that means? My annual sharing of the pumpkin spice latte video *starring* me and my friend Kim from Homesteader's Heart! Of course, I don't do much in the video other than giggle...a lot. :D But even if you decide you can't handle the awesomeness of the video, there is a recipe in the post so you can make your own pumpkin spice latte!
What blessings did you savor this week? Post your 7 and link up anytime over the weekend. Even if you don't post {or don't have a blog}, I'd love to hear about your blessings!
If you want to make sure you keep up with future series and posts, just click to Subscribe to Stop and Smell the Chocolates by Email or RSS!
Have a blessed weekend friends!

I have 2 cans of pumpkin ready for something yummy like pumpkin bread. And I can't wait to watch our video again. It ALWAYS cracks me up. We are just too much. I can't wait for Part 2 one day. *hint hint*
ReplyDeleteOh and I'm not even kidding, we were talking about the James Bond movies yesterday and I said Sean Connery was my favorite. No lie. So when I saw that it just made me realize just how much we are alike. *wink*
Big I always wondered why they said double O's when I thought they were the number 0 size hugs to you!