You have to decide what works best for you and your blog, of course. Even though my blog is not a "Christian" blog, I am a blogger who is a Christian. I blog about Life and my blog represents me. So I am comfortable occasionally mentioning my faith and sharing Scriptures because that's part of my life. It helps that as I get older, I am more accepting of the fact that no matter what I do, not everybody is going to like me {sigh}. I may lose a few non-Christian readers along the way, but a lot of them stick around as they still enjoy everything else I have to offer. {Waving hello to the few non-Christians actually reading this post!}
It's about learning what works for you and what feels right on your blog. Don't be what you're not! If you're an enthusiastic Christian and can't wait to share a devotional post every day - do it! If you're like me and not gifted in the devotional type of posts, then share your faith when you feel led to do so. When I feel led to share about my faith, or a Scripture, or a blessing, or a desire to pray for my readers - I just do it. I let God handle the rest of it. I don't have an in-your-face style as I'm very non-confrontational, so I think that helps!
You CAN blog about your faith!
Do you blog about faith? Have you been scared to post Scriptures for fear of losing readers? Have you found a way to write about your faith that works well for your blog? Share in the comments!
Day 12 of #31Days. Find all the posts in this series by clicking the pic...
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Have a blessed day friends!

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