Friday, October 11, 2013

You CAN Break the Rules & Skip a #31Days Post

If I can break the "rules" and skip a #31Days post, then you can too! I'm doing it right now - LOL!

My dad has been visiting and we've been busy! Rather than double posting in a day, I'd rather just skip today and continue with the series tomorrow. {It's really okay if you need to do this!} I have posts partially done, but can't finish one right now. I may add Day 31 on at the end. If you're participating in #31Days, how are you doing with it?

Just think - this gives you a chance to catch up! Click the pic below to get the whole series of posts this month!

Have a blessed day friends!


  1. Haha! Love this. Have a fun time with your dad!

  2. Skipping a 31 day post is absolutely allowed, and necessary at times. I did it the last two years. This year, the writing is easy so I haven't had to, yet. Have a great time with your dad!


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