Sometimes the blessings are big and sometimes very small - that doesn't matter. What matters is finding them, savoring them, and giving praise for them. {Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in him! Psalm 34:8}
Let's look back at our week and "savor" {to have experience of; to taste or smell with pleasure; to delight in} together.
7 blessings. 7 experiences, tastes, smells, delights. 7 ways to share, encourage, inspire. 1 for each day of the week. Join me? Write your own post sharing 7 blessings from your week ~ link it up anytime this weekend. If you don't have a blog, share your blessings in the comments - I'd love to hear them!
Savored this week:
1. My hubs puts up with me wanting to get a fancy coffee drink every Sunday afternoon on the way home from church. He doesn't say, "We have coffee at home." He doesn't say, "We don't have time for that." He drives to the coffee place of my choice. He rocks. :)
2. A family with a sense of humor! Do you know that we make each other laugh every day? I can't imagine life without laughter.
3. *Not* getting a speeding ticket! That is definitely a blessing! I don't speed very often and even when I do, it's only 5-10 miles over the limit. But I happened to be on a straight stretch with a green light and no traffic in front of me - I was not paying attention to my speed. And then I saw him - the man in black with a big old radar gun pointed right at me. I glanced quickly at my speedometer and knew it at least close to 10 miles over the limit or more. It was too late - he had me. As I was muttering to myself, getting ready for the inevitable pullover, I realized I didn't see him behind me. He was still pointing the radar gun at oncoming traffic. He wasn't coming for me! Woo Hoo!! :) I've only had 1 speeding ticket in my life and that was about 10 years ago {Trying to avoid a Blockbuster late fee ended up costing me a whole lot more - LOL.} Have you had speeding tickets?
4. My son - he always holds doors open for me and carries things. I don't even have to ask him. I just love that! Somebody taught him well. :D
5. I finally had a chance to get some of my Fall things put out. My dining room table was a mess, but I cleared it off and put a little Fall display on it. That makes it feel a bit more cozy in here.
6. I had some buttermilk to use up so I made these Lemon Blueberry Muffins and took them to my son's school office {why yes, they *do* love me there - LOL}. Yum.
7. This #31Days series is a blessing! Not only have I found some great series to follow {I'm saving them on a #31Days Pinterest board}, but I'm really enjoying the challenge of writing a post for each day!
You CAN count your blessings {and savor them}!
What blessings did you savor this week? Post your 7 and link up anytime over the weekend. Even if you don't post {or don't have a blog}, I'd love to hear about your blessings!
Day 5 of #31Days. Find all the posts in this series by clicking the pic...
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Have a blessed weekend friends!

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