Wednesday, December 18, 2013

One Word 2013 Update ~ Diligence {December}

I did the One Word thing this year. I tried it in years past without much success, but this year it stuck. My word was Diligence. And it's been a great word for me! I'm not really sure if the word itself made me diligent, or made me think more about being diligent or if it was just time for me to be diligent so that's why the word came to me in the first place. Doesn't really matter - I've been diligent in many things this year!
Here are some of my examples of Diligence this year:

Seems like a pretty good year to me! I guess it's about time to start thinking about a word for 2014.

Did you have a One Word focus this year? If so, how did it go? Are you going to try One Word for 2014? 

Have a blessed day, friends!


  1. You've done well my friend. I'm not sure how I did on my One Word - simply. I think life just got more complicated!

  2. I'm sure a word will come to me for next year. It usually does. I need to be more diligent in posting my updates on it though. LOL!
    Big it's amazing how one word can change so much size hugs to you!


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